Types of engine room boilers, advantages and disadvantages and the best maintenance methods

With the proliferation of day-to-day activities digitally, such as renting property or purchasing equipment, building painting other services that were commonplace on a daily basis and were mostly done in person have generally shifted to E-learning, such as contracting services. Home, etc., but in this way, problems have also involved people and businesses due to […]

Building heating and cooling systems

With the proliferation of day-to-day activities digitally, such as renting property or purchasing equipment, building painting other services that were commonplace on a daily basis and were mostly done in person have generally shifted to E-learning, such as contracting services. Home, etc., but in this way, problems have also involved people and businesses due to […]

Building Wiring

With the proliferation of day-to-day activities digitally, such as renting property or purchasing equipment, building painting other services that were commonplace on a daily basis and were mostly done in person have generally shifted to E-learning, such as contracting services. Home, etc., but in this way, problems have also involved people and businesses due to […]

Building Painting

With the proliferation of day-to-day activities digitally, such as renting property or purchasing equipment, building painting other services that were commonplace on a daily basis and were mostly done in person have generally shifted to E-learning, such as contracting services. Home, etc., but in this way, problems have also involved people and businesses due to […]

Sample building cleaning contract

A residential complex cleaning contract is a contract that is made between the building owner or his representative and the cleaner. To set up this contract, the parties have the same intention and consent. The first important decision to be made regarding a sample building cleaning contract is whether the contract is in accordance with labor law or regulated by […]

Moving Contracts

One of the most important things in the season is moving. The cost of moving and its items is a concern for people. We may not pay attention, but moving has costs that do not get much attention. Precisely because moving is different and also spatially different, accurate pricing cannot be had. For a piece […]

Contract for designing and executing interior decoration

Design and execution of interior decoration: Interior decoration is a harmonization designed to bring colors, furniture, and other objects to an artistic image in a room or building. Interior decoration, like other arts, has a style, context, and principles that change according to the tastes and needs of each period. Interior architecture is in fact […]

Smart contract, examples and disadvantages

Who creates smart contracts? Who uses smart contracts? The smart contract was first introduced in 1996 by Nick Szabo, a computer and cryptographer. After several years, he worked on this concept again and published many articles. In these articles, he explained the concept of creating legal contracts for business activities through the design of electronic protocols […]

Components, environment and benefits of smart contracts

Components of smart contracts There are basically three contiguous parts that are referred to as components of smart contracts.   Smart contract environment Smart countertops must operate in a suitable and special environment in order to be created and function properly. This environment should support public-key encryption, which enables users to sign transactions using their […]

How to make smart contracts

Simply put, smart contracts work a lot like food devices. All you have to do is deposit the required amount of digital currency into the smart contract and your deposit, contract, driver’s license or anything else will be credited to your account. Not only are all laws and penalties defined by smart contracts, but they are enforced […]